How to Create Social Bookmarking Site using Pligg

There are many free & paid social bookmarking sites and some are paid one too. Social bookmarking sites are usually those sites which allow submissions from user and community to rate the submissions. Some examples of such social bookmarking sites are: Digg, Reddit, Stumble Upon and so on. Now, if you are one of those bloggers who have proved himself and community trust your choice and recommendation, it’s time to take another stage forward and start your own social bookmarking site. Pligg  

 By this method, you can provide quality news and best of topics from internet to your followers. For this task simply start a Social Bookmarking column with your blog or you can create social bookmarking site.
Some examples of great social bookmarking sites are and etc. Many open source CMS are available for creating a social bookmarking site like Drupal, Hotaru and some WordPress plugins are also available. But I recommend you a smart one and free CMS – PLIGG.
Specially, being a blogger we read so many articles and many of them are interesting and you might be using various bookmarking tools to bookmark these pages. How about you create your own social bookmarking site and save your links and at the same time make money from ads.
The idea is simple, instead of using any 3rd party site for bookmarking your links, you can use your own social bookmarking site. You don’t need to promote it apart from setting up Pligg and adding your links. It might take years before your social bookmarking site will start catching some eyes but yes, you are making money for something that you were completely ignoring. And in future, you might allow user submissions and you never know you might have created one of the top or popular social bookmarking site.

Pligg is an open source CMS (Content Management System) that provides you social publishing software that encourages visitors to create an account and start bookmarking links on internet by submitting them. This is call submission and same submission will be shown to other users who can vote and promote that story to homepage for more wider audience. This is good for bloggers to get traffic and specially creating a social bookmarking site based on a small niche is a great idea.
Pligg is a powerful social networking CMS which comes with various features like: Groups, Private messaging, Commenting system, User profile, modules, Templating, and it’s also SEO optimized. In this article I’ll give you full tutorial how to install, configure and modify Pligg to create your own social bookmarking website. Follow these steps:

How to Install Pligg CMS:

1.  Go to and download the latest version of Pligg. You need a webhosting to get started, and I would recommend to start on Hostgator which is perfect for hosting your Pligg Social bookmarking site. Sign up for Hostgator here. (Use Coupon ShoutMeLoud25 to get 25% discount on your total bill).
Then go to your cPanel and upload it in any directory ( where you want or you can upload it in the web root ( if you want to convert your whole website into a social bookmarking site. Now extract it and open the address, where you uploaded it, in a new window.
Download Pligg

2.  Now you’ll see a screen with three links Pligg Homepage, Plig README and Pligg. Choose Pligg from them. Then follow the instruction mentioned in the page. Go to your cPanel and open Pligg directory. Rename ‘settings.php.default‘ to ‘settings.php‘ and rename ‘dbconnect.php.default‘ to ‘dbconnect.php‘.
3.  Then reload the page in which you are working and click on ‘Pligg Installer?’ and select your language. Now you have to play with CHMOD permissions. Change the permissions to 755 of the following folders, if they give errors then try 777 permissions:
  • admin/backup/
  • avatars/groups_uploaded/
  • avatars/user_uploaded/
  • cache/
  • cache/admin_c/
  • cache/templates_c/
  • languages/ (And all of the files contained in this folder should be CHMOD 777)
Change the permissions to 666 the following files:
  • libs/dbconnect.php
  • settings.php
4.  Afer changing the permissions when you’ll click Next you’ll have to fill the information of Data Base. So go to ‘MySQL Database Wizard’ in your cPanel and create a data base and fill its required details and press Next and fill your admin account details then click on Create Admin Account. The Pligg has been installed successfully .
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5.  Now again change the permissions of ‘/libs/dbconnect.php‘ to 644 because Pligg will not need to change this file again and delete the ‘/install‘ directory from your cPanel. Your social bookmarking site is ready to use. Login to your admin area and configure your site. You should make your account in Pligg Forums for better experience.

How to change Pligg template:

Changing the theme/template is not so much easy like WordPress but not so much difficult also. Make your account in Pligg Forums and search there for the latest themes for Pligg and download them. Then upload them in your cPanel in ‘/template‘ directory. Login to your admin panel, go to template tag and select ‘To change the template, please click here‘ option. In template section fill the template/theme name (which you already have uploaded  in the ‘/template‘ directory) in the ‘Value‘ text area. And enjoy your social bookmarking site.

There are many Pligg templates that you can search and install it on your Pligg based site to give a new look. You can also hire a custom Pligg template designer to create a template for you. For now, do let us know if you have created and free or paid social bookmarking site using Pligg or any other CMS ? How was your exprience with personal social bookmarking site?

How to Create Social Bookmarking Site using Pligg first appeared on shoutmeloud

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